Thursday, March 12, 2009

On Being Flexible

Hey kiddo(s),
Last week, I was laid off from a cushy job that I quite enjoyed. Here are some other things that were never expected to happen, but happened anyway:
  • I never thought I would get married. I always envisioned my future self as a single, cosmopolitan girl living in some city apartment with a cat. Now I have two cats, three dogs, a husband, and live in the suburbs with a big yard.
  • Grandpa Sheldon always said he wanted one kid and one dog. Instead, he got four kids (none of whom enjoy football* golf or went to a state college) and a menagerie. The current state of the latter being: three huskies, a little yappy dog, a cranky macaw, a baby cockatiel, and a teenage daughter. (I kid, I kid... the cockatiel is no longer a baby.)
  • As you know by now, your philosophy major of a father revels in grey areas and had to think really hard about this topic. His contribution is as follows:
"Well, I never thought I would like broccoli, but now I love it. No, really! I really hated broccoli as a kid. I think I changed my mind because there is a lot of broccoli rab in Philadelphia junk food. There was this delicious cheesesteak place..." (No doubt you've rolled your eyes and tuned him out by now) "...and that is how I came to love broccoli today."
So there you have it. Shit happens; however, one can be flexible and still maintain one's integrity.

*Uncle Mike says he quite enjoys football and would still be playing if not for his bad knee.

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