Wednesday, March 17, 2010

I should set up a calendar notice

Me: When I'm pregnant, I'm going to drink milk stouts all the time.

Jon: Uh, no you're not.

Me: Oh, right. Damn.

Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Wat yer ma and pa done

Two days ago, we celebrated our first wedding anniversary:

me: hey
i want a digital frame
1:55 PM Jonathan: hi
me: i want a digital frame
for anniversary
Jonathan: yea!
me: and then i put in pictures
for anniversary
1:56 PM Jonathan: yea!
ok I will order one
Jonathan: I was grasping at straws to figure something suitable
but I like that idea
me: it's for both of us ok?
me: it will be all symbolic and shit
Jonathan: ok
sounds good!
I will research and give you a few choices

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

On Weight

Hello Successfully Fertilized Eggs,
You may find in your mid- to late-twenties that you are steadily gaining weight despite no noticeable increase in chili fries intake. This is probably due to the fact that you are drinking lots of beer. If you don't believe me, look upon your vegan friends of the same age. Are they rotund in the midsection even though all they eat are sprouts? This is also because they are drinking lots of beer (or they caught one of those belly-ballooning diseases while in rural India with the Peace Corps).

If you find yourself in this predicament, be selective with your beer. Drink stouts and dark microbrews. They will have greater alcohol content and will make you feel full enough to pass on the late night cheeseburger. An efficient beer is a good beer.

Thursday, September 24, 2009

A Sign

A lot of people around us are having babies left and right. And my reaction is: "Man, that sucks." This tells me that I'm not ready for you yet.

Monday, August 31, 2009

Things to look forward to

I was just looking at this other blog, and I thought of you guys:

I suppose you can claim that all of the bad parenting to come was premeditated.

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Relationship Advice #1

Dear Outcome-of-the-Fastest-Strongest-Sperm ,
Here is a little sub-series of advice for you when you are grown up, out of our house, and engaging in a romantic relationship out of our sight.

Tell your partner what you want.
No one is telepathic, but if your partner is telepathic then they can use a reminder.
Case in point:

4:09 PM
me: [jewelry link] what do you think?
Jonathan: kinda nice...
me: you don't want to buy for me?
Jonathan: heh
too feminine
me: but it's for me
why don't you like necklace
Jonathan: I like it... not great though... very ornate
Jonathan: do yooooooo like it?
me: YES
Jonathan: hahahaha
me: YES
Jonathan: hahahaha

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

How Cranky People Are Made

Hi Kiddo,
One of the more frequent things I used to say to your father was, "Well, I didn't pick you for your genes." Meaning, I had forgone my Darwinian instinct to select a mate for reproductive purposes when I started dating your father. Now I'm mildly confronted with the fact that I just may make a sprog with your asthmatic, bum-kneed, bad-backed, lame-thumbed father. Together we will create a near-sighted, short-tempered, anti-social, allergic, asthmatic kid with bad joints - that which is you.
Sorry about that.